[【外宾包团5】林芝接团:林芝鲁朗林海+拉萨+珠穆朗玛峰+纳木错9晚10日游 Lhasa Namtso Nyingchi Gyantse Shigatse Mt. Everest Group Tour -10Days线路详情] [西藏港中旅首页] [服务热线:13549077779] [打印本页] [关闭窗口]
  电话:13549077779 传真:
  • 产品名称:【外宾包团5】林芝接团:林芝鲁朗林海+拉萨+珠穆朗玛峰+纳木错9晚10日游 Lhasa Namtso Nyingchi Gyantse Shigatse Mt. Everest Group Tour -10Days
  • 线路类型:包团游            行程天数:10 天            往返交通:汽车            发团日期:定制发团
  • 发团地点:林芝            提前报名:建议提前30天以上
  • 途径景点:布达拉宫,大昭寺,八角街,羊卓雍措,扎什伦布寺,珠穆朗玛峰





  • 第1天林芝接机,游览卡定沟,鲁朗林海。 Arrival in nyingchi airport(Kadinggou waterfall ,Lulang Forest)
  • 上午林芝机场接机。驱车前往林芝,游览318国道旁的著名古迹一后前去意为“天上人间”的原始森林-【卡定沟天佛瀑布】(门票包含)。距八一镇24公里处的尼洋河畔卡定沟内,是典型的峡谷地貌,山高沟深,奇峰异石,古树参天,落差近200米的瀑布飞流直下,雄伟壮观,瀑布中一尊天然形成的大佛面目慈祥,在瀑布中时隐时现,天佛瀑布由此而得名。瀑布水如银链飘然而下,水大时气势磅礴、惊心动魄,岩壁上有自然形成佛像与守护者,沟谷中原始森林密布,有与藏传佛教浑然一体的优美传说。



    Pick up at nyingchi airport in the morning. Drive to nyingchi。

    visit the 【Kadinggou waterfall 】(elevation 2950 meters, about 1 hour), is a typical valley landforms, groove depth of the high mountain。

    Then we will drive to Sekyim la Pass (4720m) and enjoy the great Mt. Namjia Bawa (7,700m) in the distance. Then, continue to drive to the bushy 【Lunang Forest 】with an elevation of 3700m, and it is a typical highland meadow strip, and both sides of Castle Peak from low to high from the dense bushes, spruce trees and pine. The distant clouds, the snow-capped mountains, the endless pines and the quiet pastoral displayed a beautiful landscape.

    Then drive back to Nyingchi.

  • 用餐:早-无早 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:林芝
  • 第2天林芝-巴松错-拉萨Nyingchi >Lhasa (basumtso lake)
  • 上午乘车返拉萨,沿途观赏尼洋河谷旖旎的自然风光。途中游览318国道旁的著名古迹游览西藏最美丽的湖泊,被称为小瑞士的【巴松错】(门票包含)巴松错是藏传佛教宁玛派的圣湖,湖四面环山,气候温和,平均海拔4000米,山上白雪皑皑,山下植被茂密,湖的形状如镶嵌在高山峡谷中的一轮新月,湖水清澈见底,四周雪山倒映其中,沙鸥、白鹤浮游湖面,湖水透明可见游鱼如织,情趣盎然。在湖畔徒步,过木排栈道上湖心小岛。这是一个令人沉醉的地方,一泓晶莹柔美的湖水,有如童话般静卧在雪峰冰川下的湖畔碧草之上,宛若世外桃源,又似人间仙境。远观太昭古镇、群山雪峰,原始森林和如茵草场,点缀其间的点点牛羊。驻足在唐蕃古道上,仿佛又见到当年文成公主进藏时的浩荡,在无限眷念中沿“唐蕃古道”回到拉萨。




    oday we will drive back to Holy City Lhasa along the beautiful Niyang River, a major river in southeast Tibet and the longest tributary of Yarlung Tsangpo River. You can see grand and superb natural scenery on the way back.

    After lunch, go to the Holy Lake of Mongolian Lamaism--【Basongtso Lake】. Snow peaks, glaciers, virgin forests and monuments embracing Basongtso and make people truly return to “Shangri-La”. Every spring, the lake is surrounded by flowers and the snow peaks reflect the lake. The scenery is intoxicating. Guests can take a luxury yacht at own expense to visit the mountains and lakes. On the 4th Tibetan Calendar month 15th, the local believers came back to make a pilgrimage around the lake.

    After visiting, returning to Lhasa for rest.

  • 用餐:早-酒店含 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:拉萨
  • 第3天拉萨市区:哲蚌寺--色拉寺 Lhasa Suburb : Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery
  • 中文行程:

    今天总共参观拉萨市区的两个景点. 早餐后, 我们将从酒店乘车前往参观【哲蚌寺】、下午参观【色拉寺】。




    Today you will visit totally 2 attractions in Lhasa suburb. In the morning, we will arrange you to see Drepung Monastery. In the afternoon, we will visit Sera Monastery. You will stay long hour on sightseeing today under the fierce sun of Tibet, do arm yourself with sunglasses/ hat/ sunscreen.

    Also a welcome dinner will be held tonight to introduce you to the whole gang that you are going to travel with. We have customers from all over the world. Shall be fun to meet people from different countries, culture and background.

    Located abt 8km west of central Lhasa, Drepung Monastery was once one of the world’s largest monasteries. The word Drepung literally translates as ‘rice heap’, a reference to the huge numbers of white monastic buildings that once piled up on the hill side.

    Sera Monastery is located in the northern suburb of Lhasa City. The monastery was named Sera which means wild rose in the Tibetan language, because the hill behind it was covered with wild roses in bloom when the monastery was built. From of Mon ~ Fri, every afternoon, you ll be able to see monks debating at Sera Monastery.

  • 用餐:早-包含 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:拉萨
  • 第4天布达拉宫—大昭寺—八廓街 Lhasa City : Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street
  • 中文行程:

    今天上午, 参观【布达拉宫】,海拔3700米以上,是世界最高的宫殿。最顶层是达赖的寝宫叫做“日光殿”,你可以在这里一览整个拉萨。远处有起伏的山脉,漂亮的拉萨河, 大片的农田,村庄和耀眼的大昭寺。




    This morning, visit Potala Palace. It is more than 3,700 meters above sea level and it is the highest palace in the world! At the top the palace called golden roofs, you can have a bird-eye view of the whole of Lhasa. In the distance there are undulating mountain ranges, the beautiful Lhasa River, tracts of fields, tree-shaded villages and the glistening Jokhang Temple.

    Afternoon, visit Jokhang Temple, it is the first built during the period of Sontsan Gambo in the 7th century, features Buddhist prayer wheels, reclining deer, golden sutra streamers. You'll find that many Pilgrims pray before the monastery. The circuit around it called Barkhor Street, a famous local handmade crafts market, which is a good place to purcha sesouvenirs.

  • 用餐:早-包含 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:拉萨
  • 第5天拉萨-羊卓雍错-卡若拉冰川-白居寺--日喀则Lhasa - Gyantse - Shigatse (Yamdrok Lake, Karola Glacier, Pelkor Chöde Monastery )
  • 中文行程:




    Yamdrotso Lake: dazzling Yamdro-tso(elev 4441m) is normally first seen from the summit of the Kamba-la(4700m). The lake lies several hundred meters below the road, and in clear weather is fabulous shade of deep turquoise. Far in the distance is the huge massif of Mt. Nojin Kangtsang(7191m).

    Karola Glacier: Mt Nojin Kangsang stands tall with an elevation of 7,191m between Gyantze County and Nagarzê County, with several snow-capped mountains over 6,000m surrounding it. Mount Nojin Kangsang is the most accessible glacier site on the Tibetan Plateau. The famous Kharola Glacier (elev 5,560m) is below the south ridge of Nojin Kangsang.

    Pelkor Chöde Monastery with Gyantse Kumbum: the sprawling compound in the far north of town houses Pelkor Chöde Monastery and the monumental Gyantse Kumbum, a chörten filled with fine paintings and statues. Both are deservedly top of the list on most travellers’ must-sees. Palkhor lies at the foot of Dzong Hill. It is well-known for its Kumbum, which has 108 chapels in its four floors. The multi-storied Kumbum Stupa was crowned with a golden dome and umbrella, surrounded with more chapels filled with unique religious statues and murals.

  • 用餐:早-包含 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:日喀则
  • 第6天日喀则-拉孜-定日-珠穆朗玛峰Shigatse - Tingri - Everest-Rongbuk Monastery
  • 中文行程:西藏对于限速方面有严格规定。从日喀则到珠峰大约350公里,根据规定,最多不能超过40公里每小时,沿途都有检查点。 因此大约需要10-12小时到达珠峰(包括吃饭时间)。 一路上的风景十分漂亮。您需要准备好您的相机以及沿途的一些零食。下午您将到达绒布寺。这座寺庙非常小,但是从这里可以看到非常漂亮的珠峰景色。您可以选择只在绒布寺照相或者选择自费25元/人进去参观。



    Tibet has serious rule about speed-limit. Though from Shigatse to Everest region is only abt 350km or so in book, the no-more-than-40km/hr regulation, and the many road checks dotted on the way, really slow us down. So be prepared to spend around 10~12hrs on the road including meal time. The upside is the view along the way is superb. Get your camera ready. Also prepare some snacks with you to bring along.

    You will arrive at Rongbu Monastery in the late afternoon. The monastery itself is quite tiny, but from here the view of Mt Everest is fantastic. You can choose to just hang around Rongbuk to take photos or visit it at your own expense of CNY 25/person.

    Afterwards, if it’s summer time (usually May~Oct), we will carry on the last few kilometers to Everest Tent Camp to stay the night; if winter time (usually Nov~Apr), we will stay at Rongbuk Monastery’s guesthouse. Both places have but dorm bed lodging available. Both places you can see the glorious Everest sunset if the weather is good.

    Rongbuk Monastery is located in the Shigatse Region, southwest of the mysterious Tibet Autonomous Region, and to the north of the oblate Mt. Everest, the highest peak in the world. Seen from here, Mt. Everest appears like a lofty pyramid surrounded by mountains that touch the sky. On sunny days, a pile of thick clouds, just like a white flag floats lightly above the peak, which is known to be the miracle of 'The Highest Flag Cloud in the World'. Nowadays, with the golden travel boom to Mt. Everest, Rongbuk Monastery is gradually becoming a highlight for the tourists in its own right.

  • 用餐:早-包含 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:珠峰地区
  • 第7天珠穆朗玛峰-定日-日喀则 Everest - Shigatse
  • 中文行程:

    今天早晨不含早餐。当你到达这里后你就可以理解为什么这些藏式早餐如面条,糌粑等需要付30人民币。 我们建议你最好带一些饼干和速溶咖啡。

    在珠峰山脚下你被珠峰的东西南北的灰色山脊所包围。 在海拔5150米的珠峰地区,登上这座挂满五彩斑斓金幡的小山丘就可以看到壮观的景象。然后拿出您的相机,照上标记有“珠穆朗玛峰”的石碑作为留恋。



    We didn’t include breakfast this morning. You will understand why when you’re at the spot. Tibetan breakfast, such as noodle, zanba, etc. abt CNY 30 is available here. You are highly suggested to bring along some cookies, instant coffee. etc. of your own.

    After sightseeing we will drive to Shigatse afterwards. Just as the way of the day before, you will also spend abt 10~12hrs or so on the road.

  • 用餐:早-无早 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:日喀则
  • 第8天日喀则-扎什伦布寺-拉萨 Shigatse - Tashilump Monastery-Lhasa
  • 中文行程:

    扎什伦布寺】是格鲁派(或黄教)六大寺院之一。 也被称为堆的荣耀,它坐落在日喀则塔拉山脚下。成立于1447年,由第一代达赖喇嘛修建,第四代班禅喇嘛扩建。 占地近30万平方米。这里的主要结构是弥勒教堂,班禅喇嘛的皇宫和格桑寺。扎什伦布寺是班禅的座位,因为四世班禅喇嘛在寺院主持,现在有近800名喇嘛。参观结束后驱车返回拉萨。


    We will depart today from your hotel in Lhasa around 08:00ish. The rode condition is pretty good but because of the speed-limit, we will spend about 6hrs on the road.

    Tashilunpo Monastery is one of the Six Big Monasteries of Gelugpa (or Yellow Hat Sect) in Tibet. Also called the Heap of Glory, the monastery is located at the foot of Drolmari (Tara's Mountain), Shigatse. Founded by the First Dailai Lama in 1447, the monastery's structure was expanded by the Fourth and successive Panchen Lamas. It covers an area of nearly 300,000 square meters. The main structures found in the monastery are Maitreya Chapel, Panchen Lama's Palace and Kelsang Temple. Tashilhunpo is the seat of Panchen Lama since the Fourth Panchen Lama took charge in the monastery, and there are now nearly 800 lamas.

  • 用餐:早-包含 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:拉萨
  • 第9天拉萨-藏北大草原-那根拉山口-纳木错-拉萨 Lhasa > Namtso Lake >Lhasa
  • 早晨出发赴纳木措,沿途观赏【拉萨河】,【藏北大草原】、【青藏公路】、【翻越那根拉山】、游览西藏三大圣湖之一的【天湖纳木错】(门票包含)(海拔4718米,是世界上海拔最高的咸水湖),纳木错湖滨广阔、瑰丽迷人、清澈壮观,像一粒晶莹的明珠般镶嵌在万里羌塘草原上。下午返程领略藏北草原迷人风光,在五彩经幡飘荡之地,遥望念青唐古拉山雪峰,一路上草原辽阔当地老百姓放养的牦牛随处可见。晚上回到拉萨。


    After breakfast, head to 【Namtso Lake】, which is 4,718 meters above sea level. It is the largest saltwater lake in Tibet, and highest in the world. It is also a holy place for pilgrims. On the way to Namtso, you will experience the Northern Tibetan Grassland, Qinghai-Tibet Highway. Climb over Nengla Mountain with an altitude of 5,190 meters, you will see the snow-covered peaks of Nyainqentanglha Mountain in the trail of colorful prayer flags. The yak stocks of vast grasslands are widely seen along the way.Return to Lhasa in the afternoon.

    Tips: Namtso is at high altitude and the temperature is lower. Please prepare some cold-proof clothing. The whole journey will be 520km and a round trip will take about 9 hours.

  • 用餐:早-酒店含 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:拉萨
  • 第10天送团,结束行程 Departure from Lhasa
  • 你的八天拉萨江孜日喀则珠峰旅游在今天就结束了。早餐后,导游和司机会按时在酒店门口接你们到机场。对于送到火车站的游客。我们将免费安排送车。

    免费送火车; (任何时间段)

    免费送机时间:07:00  09:30 12:30从拉萨酒店出发

  • 用餐:早-包含 , 中-自理 , 晚-自理
  • 住宿:温馨的家








6、住宿:当地涉外三星标准酒店(可住外宾,港澳台同胞)三星酒店住宿 不含单房差 如需单独用房请补房差,可自补当时差价升级至四星或五星高端酒店



1、TTP: Tibet travel permit and all other permits to Tibet needed.

2、VIEW SOPTS: All entrance ticket fees red marked.

3、MEALS:Complimentary breakfast

4、TRANSPORT:Tibet local 5-20 seats Tourist Vehicle.(depending on the group size)

5、TOUR GUIDE:A professional Chinese Guide/english-speaking tour guide

6、 ACCOMMODATION: Three stars hotel or same level .(normally standard room, if you travel individually need to share a room with other guest ,or you can pay a single room supplement for stay by yourself)

7、SHUTTLE TRANSFER: Free Railway Station /Airport shuttle transfer

8、Gift: Hada pick up station, mineral water, oxygen, travel agency liability insurance, travel parking area insurance











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